Laser Hair Removal Treatment Ajman
Laser Hair Removal
- It is widely accepted that laser is clearly a better solution for removing unwanted hair.
- Elaj Medical Centre Ajman has been in operation for more than a decade performing laser hair removal under Laser hair removal expert, who does initial consultation and skin testing on the new patients, and who is always available to technicians or patients for follow up consultation.
- Elaj Medical Centre Ajman has the latest Laser hair removal equipment for all skin types. It is to the patient’s advantage to have multiple laser options to best match the patients’ biologic features to the most appropriate medical device, and therefore optimize safety and efficacy.
- The laser hair removal is formidable after more than a decade of full time on site practice as dermatologic laser specialist. The full time specialized role at Elaj Medical Centre Ajman facilitates strong experience, and experience sharpens skills. Side effects do occur, but low frequency and low severity is the rule. The doctor has the skills and tools to assist in this event.
- The other major consideration for the new consumer is efficacy. Does laser hair removal truly achieve permanence? There is no short answer; As long as the target hair is brown or black, most of the hair removal lasers will achieve permanent reduction. The approximation is 20 – 25% per treatment, or 3 – 5 sessions for the majority.
- There are some individuals who may be experiencing hormonal +/or genetic +/or drug induced events that might necessitate more sessions, but this is a low frequency occurrence. Even in such situations where maintenance is required, the patient prefers this option to any other modality of hair removal because there is generally progressive density and coarseness reduction in hair, and the in-between sessions are few and far between.
- It is important to understand that not all devices are equal, and bad press abounds in this day of laser technology proliferation at every corner. Not all devices are equal. Not all operators optimize the operator choices. More than 25% of new patients at Elaj Medical Centre Ajman present as a result of friend or family testimonial. Elaj Medical Centre Ajman has been established at this location for more than a decade.
- Many people fear pain when they hear “laser”. The Duetto MT is a leading edge technology that functions at high speed to Laser hair removal with much less discomfort than older models. Fewer people opt for topical anesthetic, most remarking that “It is like nothing than waxing, it’s perfect”.
- Anyone who price checks will realize that Elaj Medical Centre Ajman rates are generally much lower than comparable services in UAE. Even relatives come home to visit family and stop in at Elaj Medical Centre Ajman to take advantage of the lower prices and good services.
- Relief is the correct word to describe the reduction and softening of hair after even one session of laser hair removal.
- Laser Hair Removal is safe in pregnant or lactating women.
- Come for consultation and testing. No obligation to do treatment. See for yourself.
Typical sites of treatment include:
Women Laser Removal Sites
Upper lip, chin, cheeks, between brows, forehead, front of neck, back of neck, shoulders, upper arms, lower arms, underarms, chest, abdomen, bikini, lower legs, thighs, feet, hands, buttocks, back.